I did it to save myself....
This is just a long post about work, but it is mainly how I saved myself from getting reemed for A) The owner of my place of work, B) The managers of my department, C) Other higher up managers who would yell at me if I would have done otherwise.
Wednesday, I had to bartend a half hour long bar, the owner of the hotel was going to be there. Their belief is that there should be only glassware at the bar for events he is at. Beer is no problem for it is in a bottle. Mixed drinks, water, and pop(soda, Coke, pepsi, whatever translation you use for it) is a problem. We have some glasses for mixed drinks, but they are very mixed in design. And we have wine glasses so that works.
So I asked the head server if they knew anything about the need of glassware for this party because the construction company is owned by the owner of the hotel. They seen a name tag with the owner's name, and that meant I had to find some glass to use. I grabbed a stack of water glasses that was five high and on wheels. I told them I was going to use those. The managers objected but I told them I couldn't find the glasses I was looking for other than a few. The manager wouldn't listen took me to the back room and after 1 minute was wondering where the person they had organize the room was at. I grabbed the few of the regular drink glasses I could find and said I was using the water glasses still.
Afterwards the Food and Beverage Director was talking about the glassware issue with the banquets chef for the party. The F&B Director mentioned how he mentioned the issue for about a week and a half, including that day in the BEO meeting that the managers and captains for the banquets department discuss that day and the rest of the week. He got ignored which isn't a surprise with some of the "brilliant people" they hire for managers. I mentioned how I asked about the glass issue, and he told me that I was going to get a comped meal of whatever I want because of this.
So for the most part I got rewarded because I don't feel like imagining the owner of the hotel going off on me because I would be the first seen.
I think Karma is getting me
My internet has been off and on since Friday. For some reason right now when cable is hooked up to the splitter for TV's and Modem...well TV's win and and no connection. And the cable company sent a tech over, but Easter Sunday brunch took it's toll and I couldn't tell if there was anyone knocking on the door or if the door bell rang. Oh well. Oh and anyone who wanted an exact number for Easter Brunch, I don't know about one yet, but there was said to be 1000 which is always good.
My sister came home for Easter break, and I made it home just as she was getting ready to go back to ISU. And my other sister and her husband just left. So for the most part missing the family meal sucks.
I had the cable hooked up, but played C&C Red Alert 2 through half of RAW, but I was able to tune in just in time to see Randy Orton get the living shit scared out of him...(Yes ken I know I know...MARK!)
weekend update and pcw show
Here's an early edition of the weekend update. Tomorrow will be interesting because we have our annual Easter Sunday brunch. It will be all the restaraunt and banquet workers working together to serve a lot of people. So it will be busy and I will probably come home wanting to sit down in a comfortable chair or something.
Thursday - worked from 3 PM to 9:30 PM but before I went to work a co-worker James called and talked for almost an hour. A relative of his who was in Iraq is back in the US due to injury, and from what I heard I don't blame his relative for being pissed.
Friday - I didn't work James called up and wanted to visit the former assistant manager and can't drive. We went there and stayed until about 6 PM. Then went to shot some pool, and this wasn't a great game(if I am involved it is usually decent at best.) 7 PM took him back to his place came home and crashed for the rest of the night
Tonight - I didn't worked, and got called by the Food and Beverage director to find out when I worked and if I knew what I was going to be doing. I said the time I worked, but have no idea of what I would be doing. He didn't know either so he told me what I was going to be doing. Gotta love the communication there.
Then there was the PCW show and it was a good show just barely any fan involvement until mid show. Here's a quick recap, for what I think the order was for the most part.
The ring announcer, "Wise Guy" Wyatt Connors, came out and they didn't have their usual sound man. And you could tell, but The Hillbillies came out for their match, but only the manager of their supposive opponents came out. He said they weren't there but he had a tag team there and for the most part it was the two from "the Family" under masks. Namely I don't feel like trying to remember the names of they were going by.
First match: Hillbillies(Buck and Skeeter) vs. Mask Family members w/ Stephen Balthazar
Back and forth match with a bunch of comedy spots. One of members of the Family went for a variation of the 619 and crotched themselves. So tell you how it was. The other member got demasked and hid under the ring for the most part while his partner took the Buck Shot from Hillbilly Buck to give the Hillbillies the win.
Winner: Hillbillies
The ring announcer then announced for the next match and had to wait...and wait...and wait for the music to be played.
Second Match: The Chipendale Kid vs. Sinister*
This is Sinister's first match at PCW that I know of, and you could tell by the crowd's reaction toward him...*ears pin hit the floor*. A good match with Chipendale Kid getting most of the fan reaction, and in the middle Dimitri Koloff came out tried to attack Sinister. Instead Chipendale Kid and Sinister double teamed him. The match lasted a little longer with Chipendale Kid hitting a roll through German Suplex.
After the match Dimitri came back in stomped on Sinister only to get beat up some more by Sinister and CnD Kid.
Winner: CnD kid
The Pain Syndicate's music played and out first was Abu Colossus on crutches and in street clothes. Max Magnus was right behind him. Abu said he was injured and couldn't defend their tag titles that night. But they had a team to fight J Crew, and the wrong music played. The music then was cut and the team came out of 662, two wrestlers from Neo Pro John Johnson(I believe) and Shimdog. They cut a promo and then they left the ring.
Casa Nova then came out and he had an announcement, he talked about his friend Ricky Sprague being accepted to OVW the next level to WWE. Ricky came out to new music and cut a heel promo. He then slapped Casa Nova in the face. Nova challenged him and the match was on.
Third match: Casa Nova vs. Ricky Sprague
This was a back and forth match with Sprague playing up the heel row big. It was a decent length match, with at one point to play the spot up even more, Sprague went to a electric fan and said this was the only fan then appreciated him. It continued until the end where Ricky set up for a tombstone, and it was reversed then reversed again and reversed one more time, til Ricky found a way to hit a piledriver to win.
Winner: Ricky Sprague
Wyatt Connors explained this next match on of two title defenses. Simply the Best(Babyface and Hype Gotti) lost 3 way tag match to Double Jepardy("Sensational" Sean Cruz and Paul Daniels) giving Double Jepardy shot at their tag titles. Cruz win the match for his team by pinning Babyface for the win giving him a shot at the TV title.
PCW Television title match
Fourth Match: Babyface (c) w/ Hype Gotti vs. "Sensational" Sean Cruz w/ Paul Daniels
Match controled by Babyface in the beginning, and both partners were interfering. Cruz came back at times, but Babyface would come back with interference from Gotti. It came to an end with Babyface getting a belt shot to win it.
Winner: Babyface w/ Hype Gotti
The commissioner said that there was plenty of interference by both sides that for the PCW Heavyweight title match Babyface and Sean Cruz would be banned from ringside. Connors then shilled the next show and waited for the music to begin for the tag match.
Fifth Match: J Crew (JT Wilcox and Jayden Draigo) vs. 662 (J. Johnson and Shimdog)
Special Guest: Pain Syndicate sat at ringside.
Good match that had the most crowd reaction. Both teams played the crowd well, and for the most part this was the best match of the night. They started out with Wilcox and Shimdog, the partners came in for a little bit. Then Wilcox was tagged in and stayed in for most of the match taken a beating. The only gripe is the ending was a you hit your finisher and I will hit mine finish between the four until J Crew finally hitting their tag finisher.
Winners: J Crew (Jayden Draigo and Wilcox)
After the match The Pain Syndicate attacked J Crew and the ref was forced out of the ring as the TPS and 662 circled JT Wilcox and mouthed off to the crowd. Wilcox finally got pulled out and 662 finally left ringside, with TPS right behind as Max Magnus grabbed Abu's crutches from where they were and took them to ringside and gave them to Abu who went back on the crutches.
Sixth Match
PCW Heavyweight Title
Hype Gotti (c) vs. Paul Daniels
Crowd was completely dead for the match and it definitely made it hard for them. Hype won but can't remember how to retain his title.
Winner: Hype Gotti
Seventh Match
Grudge tag match
Christian Moore and Mr. White w/ Stephen Balthazar vs. "The Legacy" Jake Holmes and Big Daddy Dolan
Back and forth in the beginning, but Holmes' shoulder that has recovered from surgery was worked on pretty soon. It was The Family from then on til Dolan came in. Then then end came with Holmes hitting a double DDT on White and Moore. White went to the outside, and Holmes hit a couple more moves before positioning Christian in the corner hitting two moonsaults, having Dolan get on the turnbuckles, and climbed up the ropes to position himself on Dolan's shoulders. But he slipped climbed back up hit a senton taking out Balthazar. Dolan hit a second rope splash and got the 3.
Winners: Big Daddy Dolan and "The Lagacy" Jake Holmes
Holmes and Dolan shoke the hands of fans and took pictures to end the show.
After the show Dolan and someone got into an argument, and personally both need to drop it. It is hard to respect some fans and Dolan when they are just being totally boneheaded.
And because of the ability of me to delete any comments I don't feel are needed on my, you post one that I don't like and it will be gone. Have a nice day.
still tired
Three people today were fired, and two of these three weren't bad workers, they just needed to be away from each other at all times. The third one I knew was going to be only a matter of time. It is funny thing is that these three didn't attend one day of work after the banquet captain quit.
I just don't get why people just don't try to just do their job instead of mess around and just "pick up a pay check."
In other news, I guess union laws are going to keep Slipknot from having their opening bands play at some of their venues on the Subliminal Verses tour. I am guessing that the venues can probably have workers be on the job for a maximum 8 hours maybe? *shrug*
Who knows I have the tickets and still plan on going. And the jovies are going to be at where I work tomorrow...And by the jovies I mean those lovable Jehovah Witness. That will be fun, and maybe we will actually try to scare them out of there for once...hehehehehehehehe.
I don't work on Saturday and have to usher, but PCW also has a show so I am going to have to miss it because of reasons other than work for the first time. It is sad no matter how much I try to get to go to a show I just can't seem to get anything to work out. Oh well.
Easter is coming...
Friday was a big ball of stupidity on everyone's part. Mine yours, yes you reading this you were probably stupid on Friday. :) Well actually mostly mine because I didn't just go with my original idea at work when I had to set up another person's bar because they were getting off their job when the bar was to open. Then 4:45 the Catering Director came back and said that the second group's bar was actually scheduled to open at 5 pm.
I think that is the cue for the Guinness Character's "Brilliant!" line. Otherwise Friday didn't go to bad.
Saturday, was slower than hell, and to make it worse I had to clean up the 2 tier Chocolate fountain. To explain this better with the help of google *cheap plug*

There you go pictures of a chocolate fountain, and trust me after about 20 minutes of being near this you get sick of the smell of Chocolate. And it is a mess. But got out of work at about 11:30 pm on Saturday which beats leaving at 2 am.
Sunday, watched some NCAA tournament games and went to church. Not much else.
Monday, I went to work for an hour to just set up a bar for Tyson because last week I couldn't do it and the people who set it up got bitched out big.
Tuesday, worked too damn fucking late and now going to sleep at 5 am Wednesday wooo
nothing here to see other than quizes

You are Gambit!
You are a fierce fighter and a good friend to have. Your preference for solitude and your attractiveness make you very intriguing to those you meet. Unfortunately, close relationships are few and far between for you because you often have trouble opening up to others.
Which X-Men character are you most like?brought to you by QuizillaWhich Marvel Superhero are you?
Token Weekend Update
I am currently under the weather for the ummpteenth time since January. So it will be short and sweet.
Thursday - bartended a party for one of the hotel's biggest customers. Not sure how much I made on the host bar grat but I guess I will find out on the next check.
Friday - absolutely and nothing...well other than bug my sister when she got home from College for spring break.
Saturday - bartended a party I thought would never end. Last year this group had one hell of a bar bill, this year, I think they barely drank 10% of it. Long boring night that was
Sunday - Slept in watched the race and went to a church dinner and then did nothing for the most part for the rest of the night
Monday - Worked at 4 and bartended a party that was a waste of time. After it was over the Food and Beverage Director came in and we talked. I guess the bar I usually set up when the group arrives was extremely pissed. This was the first time I had absolutely nothing to do with the set up of that party.
Today (Tuesday) - Sick again for no reason, puked in the morning, was feeling better at 3 o' clock and went to work. I bartended a retirement party for the company that is owned by the owner of the hotel. And the owner was there and I semi set up the group that was ticked after last night's party. So there is a chance they could blame me for that....but the managers can blame me for not completely setting up my bar, and running fast to get water for the Owner's Scotch and water wasn't too good especially when all the higher ups were in the area to get water. Ooops...but the party went very well for the most part and now it is over. And I am tired.
Also, beware of any emails that has a screen saver of Stacy Keibler and Torrie Wilson. Do not download for it is a new virus.
Elitper-D virus just so you know...
Until next time
the silence (weekend report with a little extra)
Well, a later version of the weekend report because I am a slacker! But if you want to skip the weekend report and go to a collections of words that this update is about here you go....scroll down I got how the html code for it. :( When I refigure it out I will allow that option for you....until then:
Friday - got called in and worked for about 4 or 5 hours. It's hours.
Saturday - Woke my happy a$$ up at 7 AM, took a shower and was at work 45 minutes later. And worked the second most boring bar EVER! Between 7:45 AM to 6:45 PM, I sold a total of 51 beers! woohoo...I think
Sunday - I woke up at 7 again, took a shower and was back at work for....The Most Boring Bar Ever! I sold I think barely 30 beers between 8:00 AM and 4 PM. And I still don't I am awake from this yet. ;) Oh yeah, got called about either 8 or 9 PM about going in on Monday to open beers. Because of the "Liqour Liscense Laws".
Monday - I went into work and was there for 15 minutes! A record I swear, because they decided to not have beer at this retirement party. (DA says why not? Get the employees drunker than hell.) :) But I got called up about an hour and a half later to come in and help with a party that had about 40 people, and all that were scheduled in originally was the Banquet Captain. And then later on, the banquet captain was trying to get a hold of people to come in tonight(Wednesday) because a party almost doubled it numbers and they wanted to make sure they had enough people.
Tuesday.... *takes very very very very deepbreath*
Tuesday - Not too damn much, got a surprise with my cousin IMing me out of nowhere on yahoo, and we were talking about Slipknot. And to add to it, me bugging my little sister to try get her to go. Him and a cousin of ours are planning to go to Slipknot concert that is going to be 3 days earlier. Then I was doing a lot of nothing for a while again, I answered an email to my sister's boyfriend because I am trying to get a legal copy of Flash MX 2004 for as little as possible. And 2 minutes later, I get IMed from my sister. She was in a boring class with a teacher to speaks in a very soft voice. I talked to her for a good hour and a half I believe. During this time I sent her review of a slipknot show and was going to say that for what I seen on the Disasterpieces DVD. That the drummers set circled going upwards, and then tilted in a 90 degree angle without it spinning while in a 90 degree tilt. Then I showed her the picture of them at the grammy's and the discription of Jadakiss wondering who they were. I then told her that I had to go and send off a credit card payment and get tickets to the show.
*faints for a couple of seconds....wakes up*
Wednesday - go to work at 4PM help with a party got home at quarter til eleven. what fun.
Silence is a blessing and it is a curse.
Silence brings out the best and the worst.
It is can lead to much happiness,
or it can because the calm before the storm.
Silence can be your warning in life,
or the way for you to survive.
Silence can speak to you from anything.
Because it is a part of everything.
Silence is trying to speak out,
but in a world full of people who want to speak out..
It can tell you the way to go...
The times that you should know...
the feelings you should show...
And when it will be your time to go.
Silence is at times louder than all the noise
but ingorance, selfishness, and apathy drown it out
Silence strengths us for the fight
But it can bring it with something so slight.
Silence can make you feel as tall as the trees,
Or silence can make you in tears fall to your knees.
Silence can be as gentle as the wind
or as violent punishment to our sin.
Silence may mean nothing to you,
it can annoy you, make you blue.
Listen to the silence for it knows all,
it is in the music you listen too,
The wind in the tree as it blows through.
or the voice of the person down the hall,
or it can be the bouncing of a ball.
It can be everything and it can be nothing.
For its word is strong, and it knowledge keen.
Or it can be ignored becuase you want it to cease to be.
Even though the words in most of my enties usually shows a lack of silence, but in real life outside of this, it is my philosophy, my way of life, and in a world full of people who talk. I will listen to the silence because my silence if the ying to the talks yang.
ain't done much....
Weekend report is for the most part like this, Friday, worked but was there til later than they probably wanted me. For the most part the banquet captain wasn't in the mood to care about work. They have been getting screw on hours in past weeks, but last week, and continuing to this week, they have been getting fucked big time by getting the absolute opposite. They estimated times at work for last week til now it sounds like...
Last Monday - 3PM til after 11 PM.
Last Tuesday - 2PM til after 11.
Last Wednesday - 2PM to 3 AM.
Last Thursday - 8:45 AM to 10:30 PM*
Last Friday - 3PM to after Midnight
Last Saturday - they called in
Last Sunday - they weren't schedules
Monday - 3PM to ? probably around 9 or 10PM
Tuesday - 2:30PM to ? my guess is around 11PM
Wednesday - They were scheduled at 3PM, but I am not sure if they were there or not. I am guessing that they were most likely
Today (Thursday) - They were scheduled, but not sure if they did or didn't show.
Tomorrow(Friday) - I don't think they will be working because they have gig to do...or that could be next Friday not sure.
*The Banquet Captain in question had less than 4 hours sleep, the assistant manager came in at 9AM, and left at 5PM thinking that they weren't needed anymore. Add the fact that the captains are hourly workers, and the food and beverage director has been big on cutting labors hours....this shows how ungrateful people who think they should have a life and others shouldn't are. Namely Management!
So the banquet captain is on major burn out, and mentioned they are thinking about during in their 2 weeks. And right now, I don't have the money to quit, so I am looking around for other jobs.
Now this past week, I haven't had any hours since Saturday. If it is because I didn't fill out a sheet they handed out that is my fault completely. I didn't even write my name on it.
The old manager is gone for 1 and a half weeks. The new manager started on Monday, and they seemed stressed and nervious. But knowing that they were working in a Banquets department for the first time makes me feel for them. This place when it comes to managers, is a contest on who can stab who in the back first.
And I work at 8 AM in the morning on Saturday and Sunday. So I will be dead tired after two long days.
And this is why I love
ITVR so much When you can even get the person who thinks just about anything is stupid (i.e. StrongBad, Will Ferrel, and such) to join in. Just gotta love it.
See ya'lls another time.