I did it to save myself....
This is just a long post about work, but it is mainly how I saved myself from getting reemed for A) The owner of my place of work, B) The managers of my department, C) Other higher up managers who would yell at me if I would have done otherwise.Wednesday, I had to bartend a half hour long bar, the owner of the hotel was going to be there. Their belief is that there should be only glassware at the bar for events he is at. Beer is no problem for it is in a bottle. Mixed drinks, water, and pop(soda, Coke, pepsi, whatever translation you use for it) is a problem. We have some glasses for mixed drinks, but they are very mixed in design. And we have wine glasses so that works.
So I asked the head server if they knew anything about the need of glassware for this party because the construction company is owned by the owner of the hotel. They seen a name tag with the owner's name, and that meant I had to find some glass to use. I grabbed a stack of water glasses that was five high and on wheels. I told them I was going to use those. The managers objected but I told them I couldn't find the glasses I was looking for other than a few. The manager wouldn't listen took me to the back room and after 1 minute was wondering where the person they had organize the room was at. I grabbed the few of the regular drink glasses I could find and said I was using the water glasses still.
Afterwards the Food and Beverage Director was talking about the glassware issue with the banquets chef for the party. The F&B Director mentioned how he mentioned the issue for about a week and a half, including that day in the BEO meeting that the managers and captains for the banquets department discuss that day and the rest of the week. He got ignored which isn't a surprise with some of the "brilliant people" they hire for managers. I mentioned how I asked about the glass issue, and he told me that I was going to get a comped meal of whatever I want because of this.
So for the most part I got rewarded because I don't feel like imagining the owner of the hotel going off on me because I would be the first seen.
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