the silence (weekend report with a little extra)
Well, a later version of the weekend report because I am a slacker! But if you want to skip the weekend report and go to a collections of words that this update is about here you go....scroll down I got how the html code for it. :( When I refigure it out I will allow that option for you....until then:Friday - got called in and worked for about 4 or 5 hours. It's hours.
Saturday - Woke my happy a$$ up at 7 AM, took a shower and was at work 45 minutes later. And worked the second most boring bar EVER! Between 7:45 AM to 6:45 PM, I sold a total of 51 beers! woohoo...I think
Sunday - I woke up at 7 again, took a shower and was back at work for....The Most Boring Bar Ever! I sold I think barely 30 beers between 8:00 AM and 4 PM. And I still don't I am awake from this yet. ;) Oh yeah, got called about either 8 or 9 PM about going in on Monday to open beers. Because of the "Liqour Liscense Laws".
Monday - I went into work and was there for 15 minutes! A record I swear, because they decided to not have beer at this retirement party. (DA says why not? Get the employees drunker than hell.) :) But I got called up about an hour and a half later to come in and help with a party that had about 40 people, and all that were scheduled in originally was the Banquet Captain. And then later on, the banquet captain was trying to get a hold of people to come in tonight(Wednesday) because a party almost doubled it numbers and they wanted to make sure they had enough people.
Tuesday.... *takes very very very very deepbreath*
Tuesday - Not too damn much, got a surprise with my cousin IMing me out of nowhere on yahoo, and we were talking about Slipknot. And to add to it, me bugging my little sister to try get her to go. Him and a cousin of ours are planning to go to Slipknot concert that is going to be 3 days earlier. Then I was doing a lot of nothing for a while again, I answered an email to my sister's boyfriend because I am trying to get a legal copy of Flash MX 2004 for as little as possible. And 2 minutes later, I get IMed from my sister. She was in a boring class with a teacher to speaks in a very soft voice. I talked to her for a good hour and a half I believe. During this time I sent her review of a slipknot show and was going to say that for what I seen on the Disasterpieces DVD. That the drummers set circled going upwards, and then tilted in a 90 degree angle without it spinning while in a 90 degree tilt. Then I showed her the picture of them at the grammy's and the discription of Jadakiss wondering who they were. I then told her that I had to go and send off a credit card payment and get tickets to the show.
*faints for a couple of seconds....wakes up*
Wednesday - go to work at 4PM help with a party got home at quarter til eleven. what fun.
Silence is a blessing and it is a curse.
Silence brings out the best and the worst.
It is can lead to much happiness,
or it can because the calm before the storm.
Silence can be your warning in life,
or the way for you to survive.
Silence can speak to you from anything.
Because it is a part of everything.
Silence is trying to speak out,
but in a world full of people who want to speak out..
It can tell you the way to go...
The times that you should know...
the feelings you should show...
And when it will be your time to go.
Silence is at times louder than all the noise
but ingorance, selfishness, and apathy drown it out
Silence strengths us for the fight
But it can bring it with something so slight.
Silence can make you feel as tall as the trees,
Or silence can make you in tears fall to your knees.
Silence can be as gentle as the wind
or as violent punishment to our sin.
Silence may mean nothing to you,
it can annoy you, make you blue.
Listen to the silence for it knows all,
it is in the music you listen too,
The wind in the tree as it blows through.
or the voice of the person down the hall,
or it can be the bouncing of a ball.
It can be everything and it can be nothing.
For its word is strong, and it knowledge keen.
Or it can be ignored becuase you want it to cease to be.
Even though the words in most of my enties usually shows a lack of silence, but in real life outside of this, it is my philosophy, my way of life, and in a world full of people who talk. I will listen to the silence because my silence if the ying to the talks yang.
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