Monday, March 28, 2005

I think Karma is getting me

My internet has been off and on since Friday. For some reason right now when cable is hooked up to the splitter for TV's and Modem...well TV's win and and no connection. And the cable company sent a tech over, but Easter Sunday brunch took it's toll and I couldn't tell if there was anyone knocking on the door or if the door bell rang. Oh well. Oh and anyone who wanted an exact number for Easter Brunch, I don't know about one yet, but there was said to be 1000 which is always good.

My sister came home for Easter break, and I made it home just as she was getting ready to go back to ISU. And my other sister and her husband just left. So for the most part missing the family meal sucks.

I had the cable hooked up, but played C&C Red Alert 2 through half of RAW, but I was able to tune in just in time to see Randy Orton get the living shit scared out of him...(Yes ken I know I know...MARK!)


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