Even in his youth...kept his body clean...
Well, I decided to do it again, I made another mix of songs from one group that I have CD's or downloaded the songs legally from iTune. This time I will actually post the reasons for the picks I made, and just to make sure it is undestood these are my views. This is just one mix with a song and a replacement song. Because I forgot one song that I wanted to put on it the first time around. The song in [] is the one that is the song I forgot. Thus it replaced the one I threw in the first time around...This weeks group....Nirvana
You Know You're Right ------------------------- Nirvana
It is a story of finding ways to get people to quit bothering you, and in the end whether you think they are or aren't, "You know you're right" will most likely shut them up.
Blandest (Demo) ------------------------------- With The Lights Out (Disc 1)
The way it seems like with me anymore is that every day is the same and they all just seem to blend together causing me to wonder what day it is. And trust me, it happens to
me atleast once a week.
The Man Who Sold the World -------------------- MTV Unplugged in New York
You never know who could hold what could be the world to you, whether it is a material possession or keep you from wanting to just say FUCK IT ALL!
Heart-Shaped Box ------------------------------ Nirvana
I always find a way to get into a situation where it seems like I am trapping myself into a box of any shape. And it shows that you are just as human as anyone else.
Been a Son ------------------------------------ Nirvana
If you were to step into someone elses shoes would you be able to think of a way to make things easier on them?
About a Girl ---------------------------------- MTV Unplugged in New York
Atleast one time in your life you will be used. You will never know when it will be happen, but it will. You will end up feeling boxed in or trapped. But you will have people who are there for you to help you out of the ache when you realized you got used and abused.
Token Eastern Song (Demo) --------------------- With The Lights Out (Disc 1)
Sometimes there will be a subject that should just not be talked about at that exact time. And more than likely that subject ends up being Religion. There is just something about talking about your believes of religion that will cause a split between the strongest of bonds. This includes family.
Jesus Doesn't Want Me for a Sunbeam ----------- MTV Unplugged in New York
There are just times that you just have to break down and know that you screwed up completely and it was your fault. You just happen to see that you could have handled the situation differently, yet you for some reason didn't and it ends up eating at you until you finally give in to the guilt you caused.
Marigold -------------------------------------- With The Lights Out (Disc 3)
There is sometimes in your life that you just get caught up in something, TV show, looking at a picture, or listening to a song that you just don't notice that you are staring off into space. Until someone gets your attention.
Sappy ----------------------------------------- With The Lights Out (Disc 3)
What will make you happy? The quick fix, or what will help you grow and flourish to become what your potential will finally be. These questions will come to you countless times in your life. You will have to chose one and then take the consequences that will come from it. Sometimes the quick fix will be chosen because you tried to make yourself think it was/is the best choise to take at the time. But the solution you are looking for with all these choices is happyness. So will your next choice, will it make you happy?
Here She Comes Now ---------------------------- With The Lights Out (Disc 2)
There is someone out there for you, and you will know because you heart, your mind, and your body will tell you.
Smells Like Teen Spirit (Butch Vig Mix) ------- With The Lights Out (Disc 2)
Responibility is a blessing, a curse, a fear, and a part of your life that will never go away. Because the most responsibility you get the more preasure it is to succeed and come out proving the ney sayers wrong.
Plateau --------------------------------------- MTV Unplugged in New York
Do you think before you do? Do you talk it over before doing anything? Or do you just go right at the task at hand on a whim and try to get it right? All three at times will work to get the job done, and all three have their faults. Which ever you chose will determine how tough the job at hand will be.
Oh, Me ---------------------------------------- MTV Unplugged in New York
There is always a time where you have to think about yourself first before others. Just make sure you realize that there is a time and place for this, and if you pick the wrong time it will cause a rift in any and all relationships. But if you chose the right time you will help yourself greatly and bring a confidence that will help you through out the day.
Lake of Fire ---------------------------------- MTV Unplugged in New York
It makes you wonder what life after death will be like no matter which way you go. It makes you wonder if heaven is just a place of relaxation, and if hell is truly a place of torment, pain and fire.
Pay to Play [School] -------------------------- With The Lights Out (Disc 2) [Bleach]
Pay to Play: When you made your choice and it is time for the consequences you will find out how strong you really are. Because they will either make your stronger, or break you. Also, it was filler before I downloaded School off of the Bleach Album from iTunes.
School: There are times that you will just can't get that break you want to take. You will know this when you are just burned out mentally, physically, and emotionally. You will feel drain of every ounce of energy.
Even In His Youth (Demo) ---------------------- With The Lights Out (Disc 1)
It talks about the early years and how you tried to live up to what others wanted you to be. Everything from not touch drugs and alcohol to for the most part living an absolutely boring life.
Jesus Doesn't Want Me For A Sunbeam (Demo) ---- With The Lights Out (Disc 3)
Because the choices and consequences usually repeat over and over and over again yet with minor changes, as does the time where you just completely breakdown and look at what you do to get you to the point of completely draining yourself and wonder what others are thinking while looking at you in that very moment.
Opinion (Radio Appearance) -------------------- With The Lights Out (Disc 2)
When you ask someone what they think of a certain subject or event don't be surprised if at times you get sarcasm, bad jokes followed by a quick apology, a sugar coated truth, or just the non sugar coated blunt truth. It can be any one of them and it will usually hit you when you don't expect it.
To recap, this week I decided to make a mix of Nirvana, but don't expect this to happen every week. And here's the list of songs without what they bring to my mind when I hear them.
Mix 1
You Know You're Right [#] --------------------- Nirvana
Blandest (Demo) ------------------------------- With The Lights Out (Disc 1)
The Man Who Sold the World -------------------- MTV Unplugged in New York
Heart-Shaped Box ------------------------------ Nirvana
Been a Son ------------------------------------ Nirvana
About a Girl ---------------------------------- MTV Unplugged in New York
Token Eastern Song (Demo) --------------------- With The Lights Out (Disc 1)
Jesus Doesn't Want Me for a Sunbeam ----------- MTV Unplugged in New York
Marigold -------------------------------------- With The Lights Out (Disc 3)
Sappy ----------------------------------------- With The Lights Out (Disc 3)
Here She Comes Now ---------------------------- With The Lights Out (Disc 2)
Smells Like Teen Spirit (Butch Vig Mix) ------- With The Lights Out (Disc 2)
Plateau --------------------------------------- MTV Unplugged in New York
Oh, Me ---------------------------------------- MTV Unplugged in New York
Lake of Fire ---------------------------------- MTV Unplugged in New York
Pay to Play ----------------------------------- With The Lights Out (Disc 2)
Even In His Youth (Demo) ---------------------- With The Lights Out (Disc 1)
Jesus Doesn't Want Me For A Sunbeam (Demo) ---- With The Lights Out (Disc 3)
Opinion (Radio Appearance) -------------------- With The Lights Out (Disc 2)
Mix 2 after I got the song I forgot.
You Know You're Right [#] --------------------- Nirvana
Blandest (Demo) ------------------------------- With The Lights Out (Disc 1)
The Man Who Sold the World -------------------- MTV Unplugged in New York
Heart-Shaped Box ------------------------------ Nirvana
Been a Son ------------------------------------ Nirvana
About a Girl ---------------------------------- MTV Unplugged in New York
Token Eastern Song (Demo) --------------------- With The Lights Out (Disc 1)
Jesus Doesn't Want Me for a Sunbeam ----------- MTV Unplugged in New York
Marigold -------------------------------------- With The Lights Out (Disc 3)
Sappy ----------------------------------------- With The Lights Out (Disc 3)
Here She Comes Now ---------------------------- With The Lights Out (Disc 2)
Smells Like Teen Spirit (Butch Vig Mix) ------- With The Lights Out (Disc 2)
Plateau --------------------------------------- MTV Unplugged in New York
Oh, Me ---------------------------------------- MTV Unplugged in New York
Lake of Fire ---------------------------------- MTV Unplugged in New York
School ---------------------------------------- Bleach
Even In His Youth (Demo) ---------------------- With The Lights Out (Disc 1)
Jesus Doesn't Want Me For A Sunbeam (Demo) ---- With The Lights Out (Disc 3)
Opinion (Radio Appearance) -------------------- With The Lights Out (Disc 2)
If anyone wants me to look up in what I have to make another mix
contact me here. I will let you know if it is possible or not.
Would this turn heads?

6 of the 9 members of Slipknot were at the Grammys. MTV had this to say about their appearance.
"Slipknot walked the carpet wearing their signature masks, and gave the cameras a very metal greeting — the finger. This being a special occasion, the bandmembers donned black suits, and one upped his style a notch by carrying a pimp cane. Jadakiss, standing with his crew near the masked men, asked, "Who are these n---as?" One of Jada's people clued him in, and the rapper responded, "Oh, they gonna win the most tonight."That would be the expression to see on someone's face when they seem any member for the first time.
the full circle...
Thursday, I went to work, told a co-worker I would work for them on Friday...and leave work and go to sleep.
Friday, I wake up at 7:10 and proceed to go to the bathroom, but becuase of how my stomach was feeling, I grabbed a plastic bucket as well. Puking for about 20 minutes to start off the day should be a clue you are going to have a bad day. Unfortunately, there are bricks less dense then me, and I was sick the rest of the day, go into work and for the most part stay away from anyone. And when I left work I got some food, but got home and couldn't eat it because of how bad I was feeling.
Saturday, what do you get when you take 600 people who had a hospitality room that opened at Noon closed at 5 PM, go to the room for their banquet with bars with more beer and booze, and then hospitality rooms reopening at Midnight? The Missouri River Boat Clubs' drink fest...err...annual party. They for the most part drank all the Coors Light, most of the Miller Lite, and a little less of the Bud Light. I bartended and got $100 in tips, another bartender got $200, and the others I am not sure, but I think they had to get the most because they were busy
forever, with the bar in the lobby outside of the banquet hall.
Sunday, Slept most of the day because my body needed it badly.
Today, I had to work, and took a white dress shirt and tie with me just incase I needed it. And it was a good thing, your friendly folks at the local Nebraska distributers were having a promotional party for the "Budweiser Select" that just came out today. I got in at 4 PM, and seen a co-worker who was still at work who came in the morning, being his usual self spazzing around the department. He was in his white shirt and black tie. He went into the back area, and next thing a person from the room he was in said "Where did our bartender disappear too?" Well, I got my white shirt on and help with the party and took over on bartending at 5:30 after the Food and Beverage Director talked the other guy into going, mainly because of Labor Hours. Also, the Food and Beverage Director rather had me down there then him.
I got a free T-Shirt, koozie, and a keychain with bottle opener for bartending, but it was a good group. It sucked that I wasn't going to get "grat" off the bar, but it was a laid back group who invite local Nebraska bartenders to try out the new product. And once the head person of the Bud employees left, they started drinking beer with the ones who were already having some beers. Fun times.
Oh yeah forgot.....Gary Bettman can go fuck himself. And the NHLPA can fuck themselves with a splintery broom stick. that is all.
until next time
some songs going through my head...
Nirvana - "Sappy"
And if you save yourself
You will make him happy
He'll keep you in a jar
And you'll think you're happy
He'll give you breathing holes
And you'll think you're happy
He'll cover you with grass
And you'll think you're happy now
You're really in a laundry room
You're really in a laundry room
The clue just came to you, oh
And if you cut yourself (Alt: And if you kill yourself)
You will think you're happy
He'll keep you in a jar
Then you'll make him happy
He'll give you breathing holes
Then you'll think you're happy
He'll cover you with grass
Then you'll think you're happy now
You're really in a laundry room
You're really in a laundry room
The clue that came to you, oh
You're really in a laundry room
You're really in a laundry room
The clue that came to you, oh
Damageplac - "Soul Bleed"
And if you fool yourself
You will make him happy
He'll keep you in a jar
Then you'll think you're happy
He'll give you breathing holes
Then you will seem happy
You'll wallow in his shit
Then you'll think you're happy now
You're really in a laundry room
You're really in a laundry room
You're really in a laundry room
The clue that came to you, oh
Now that I'm all alone
Painfully aware
I'm starting to feel the cold
Knowing you're not there
Caught somewhere between my fears and dreams
And all I have are demons here for company
Come and look inside, hope you like what you see
And if you run and hide, you're scared of what is me
Bind my idle hands, they only claw at me
Drown in emptiness, my soul is left to bleed
Throwing a shadow on
Every thought I have
Knowing that something's gone
Echo's in my head
Caught somewhere between my fears and dreams
And all I have are demons here for company
Come and look inside, hope you like what you see
And if you run and hide, you're scared of what is me
Bind my idle hands, they only claw at me
Drown in emptiness, my soul is left to bleed
Mud Mix
With the help of iTune, I got 2 singles that will be off of the new album coming out in March for Mudvayne "Lost and Found". And with their other CD's ripped into my computer, I decided to make a mix of songs from, The Beginning of All things to End, LD 50, and The End of All Things to Come. Here is the what I put onto it.
Monolith - LD 50
Dig - LD 50
Determined - Single from iTunes for Lost and Found
Shadow of a Man - The End of All Things to Come
Not Falling - The End of All Things to Come
Fear - The Beginning Of All Things To End
A Key to Nothing - The End of All Things to Come
Everything And Nothing - L.D. 50
Solve et Coagula - The End of All Things to Come
Prod - L.D. 50
Severed - L.D. 50
Death Blooms - L.D. 50
Nothing To Gein - L.D. 50
World So Cold - The End of All Things to Come
Happy? - Single off of iTunes for Lost And Found
The Patient Mental - The End of All Things to Come
I.D.I.O.T. - The Beginning Of All Things To End
The End of All Things to Come - The End of All Things to Come
Lethal Dosage - L.D. 50
and that's it.
The Weekend update
Notice to everyone who plans on reading this...long winded very detailed and boring. read Friday, and to go straight to the result of the PCWc show look for bold text. And of course the results are taken from
PCW's website, but this time it is on the message board only.
Friday, I went to work for 3 and a half hours. And my advisor said that for the most part, he sent my transcript and everything to a class credit auditor to find out if I did everything needed to graduate. The only problem is that they didn't get a reply from the person. But they think I have more than enough to graduate. I might email them in tomorrow to see if they heard back from whoever they sent my stuff into. I applied for graduation, but I don't want to say to someone I am getting my degree and find out that I won't. The reason is because to me that looks like a bad trust issue if a company wanted someone with a degree, but didn't have it yet and then find out they won't have it after they graduate...just doesn't look good in my mind. But that was Friday.Saturday, I didn't have to work, and there was a PCWc show, Sonjay Dutt was there before heading overseas, and for the most part this is how everything went down.....
5:00 - I went there a while before the show because I know most of the people involved in PCW. I also wanted to find out if I could take my video camera and tape the show, but they quit allowing people to bring in video cameras.
5:35 - Oh well, but I went home got my digital camera (waste of time arena was took dark from where I was.) And then headed back to the location of the show. One of the bookers was extemely stressed out because Sonjay was running late and not at the building yet. But the fun for them didn't end here.
6:00 - I made it back, but didn't feel like trying to get into the ringside area because some other fans showed up.
6:30 - Doors open, and people went in. So I waited, paid and went inside. I got my seat which was not far from these fans...(picture was taken after the show by one of them, I am just posting it because these are those known as the "Disgruntled Fans", or "Dis Fans".)

7:00ish - It was probably a little after seven o' clock, but they were just about ready to start the show and all a sudden.....The power went out, and then came back on for a couple of seconds before completely just going black.
So here's the scenerio, you have 200 fans who paid to see a wrestling show, in an almost pitch black arena with the only thing for lights right now was the emergency lights. Also, no sounds because of a lack of power.
7:15 - I walked as carefully as possible down to the arena floor, because my spot was in the top roll. The arena can fit about 1100 people, so it is general seating for the most part. And I didn't feel like waiting til the emergency lights to start dimming down, and find out how it feels to fall down stairs. As well as I wanted to know what the hell was going. Come to find out that there wasn't any power for a couple of blocks.
7:30 - No power yet, and the booker that was nervous before...extremely now, why because Sonjay arrived in that time period and the power was down still. They wanted to get the show off any way possible. Someone announced the power outage and that Sonjay was there. That they plan on having the show still.
7:45 - Any way possible turned out sending out a couple of people to a store(not sure where) and telling the help at the store "I need a bunch of battery powered lights." Also, a cab pulled up and mentioned that the power was out for atleast 3 blocks down and something about seeing sparks from a light poll or telephone poll and it was probably a transformer problem. While in the ring another announcement about lights being purchased to get the show going even if there wasn't no power.
7:55 - They got to the store and called back to find out that still no power, and the booker found the sound guy because he knew a lot about lighting. So they figured out what was needed and the person was told "get the handheld spotlights and laterns and get a lot of batteries, and make sure they are the right type." At this point the disfans and others fans were doing anything to keep their mind off of no power and a delayed show. This included doing a special clap that the disfans will do every once in a while during a show.
8:10 - The people sent out gave a call saying they were close and that some of the power has been restored, and a wrestler in training was told to get the other trainees and have them ready. The people sent out drove right up to the entrance of the building and latern and lights were handed out and taken to a table where there was light from emergencies. We got 3 of the 4 laterns running. And all the spotlights going. At this point, Simply the Best, Hype Gotti and Babyface, were in the ring firing the crowd up.
8:20 - Trainees, wrestlers who haven't wrestled in a while, or not wrestling that night were out to get tables to put the laterns on. The three others with spotlights went to locations, but realized that it wasn't going to work out with peopl standing on the arena floor with the spotlights.
8:25 - Two others and I went around the arena and kept light on the ring, and shown light on the commissioner who came in, and went around the ring and to the table they are at.
8:30 - Lights came on, we who had spotlights turned them off and placed them on a stage at the end of the arena, turned off laterns, and placed them on the stage and moved table that had the laterns on them.
8:32 - There wasn't going to be sound for about 10 minutes, so the first match was a tag match and then wrestlers told to go out cut a quick promo to get their opponents out there. And thus the show began...
To say electricity was running rampant throughout the Temple of Pain on February 12, 2005 would be an understatement. Weather caused a power blackout for blocks around the temple. The entire crowd sat and waited for just over an hour and just as PCW staff had setup a make shift lighting system to allow some light to illuminate the building, the power came back on, and so did the show. PCW officials would like to send a huge Thank-you to all the fans in attendance for bearing with us during these unforeseen problems.
J-Crew vs. Simply The Best in a No-DQ Streetfight
STB came out first, then J-Crew ran in the ring and jumped them to start the match. It did not take long for these two teams to take the action out of the ring. For a couple of minutes they took the action into the Disgruntled Fans section. Draigo then asked fans around ringside to put their feet up on the railing and rammed Hype’s head into several of them. The action finally ended up back into the ring where STB, both with chairs in hand, whacked JT Wilcox on both sides of his head to get the 3 count. After the match JT had to be helped to the back.
Big Daddy Dolan vs. Hillbilly Skeeter
Before the match Dolan grabbed the mike and talked about the Family screwing him out of his title shot last show, and said he did not have a match, so he issued an open challenge to anyone in the back, and Skeeter accepted. Dolan dominated the first few minutes of the match totally brutalizing Skeeter with some of the meatiest sounding chops I have ever heard, causing Skeeter to bleed both on his chest and back from them. Dolan finally decided it was enough and hit Skeeter with the Dolan Driver, but only got a 2 count. Skeeter got Dolan reeling, but Dolan quickly shut down Skeeter again. He then gave Skeeter a vicious piledriver, but pulled Skeeter up at 2. Dolan then gave Skeeter another Dolan Driver, and then Mr. Baltezar came out. Baltezar was arguing with Mason, when Mr. White came from the crowd and hit Dolan with a foreign object. This allowed Skeeter to go upstairs and hit the Skeeter Bite for the 3 count. After the match Dolan told the PCW fans that he would get his revenge on Mr. White next show.
Strife & “The Passion” Zac James vs. Double Jeopardy
Cruz & Strife started off, but neither could get a clear advantage. Zac got tagged in and got double teamed. Cruz had his knee down and Daniels slammed Zac onto Cruz’s knee. Zac then got Cruz onto his shoulders and Strife got on the top rope. Strife poked Cruz’s eyes while The Passion slammed him to the mat. Strife then got sent sailing over the top rope. Cruz locked on a Rings of Saturn hold onto Zac and he tapped out.
Next “The Legacy” Jake Holmes came out to make an announcement. He said he has been out of action, but he would return to active competition on the next show Feb. 26th. Dimitri Kohlov came from a side entrance and leveled Holmes with a vicious lariat. Ricky Sprague came from the back to help Holmes and challenged Kohlov to a match.
Dimitri Kohlov vs. “The Tsunami Kid” Ricky Sprague
Ricky took to the offensive early by hitting Kohlov with some high impact moves, but Koloff ended this match quickly by hitting Sprague with a brutal DDT to put Ricky down for the 3 count. After the match Ricky, like JT Wilcox, had to be helped from the back and received applause from the crowd for his efforts.
The Pain Syndicate vs. Casanova & The Chippendale Kid for the PCW Tag Team titles
Nova and Max started with Nova wanting a test of strength, but switching hands all the time. Max got sick of it and kicked Nova in the gut. Nova then got Max down and tagged CnD. Nova did a running senton onto max then CnD jumped on the top rope and hit a flipping senton. Max then gave CnD a Vader Bomb and Abu gave him a jumping elbow drop, but CnD grabbed the ropes at 2. Nova and CnD both monkey flipped each other onto Max, but Max only was down for 2. The Pain Syndicate eventually hit their elevated leg clothesline finisher for the 3 count.
Christian Moore vs. “The Original Playa From The Himalya” Sonjay Dutt for the PCW Heavyweight title
Immediately after Sonjay was introduced Moore attacked him from behind. Moore sent Sonjay into the corner and after blocking some of Sonjay’s kicks, he got out of the corner and hit a beautiful float-over dropkick. Sonjay dropped an elbow off the top rope, but only got a 2 count. After a few more minutes of back and forth action, Sonjay hit a running shooting star press and pinned Christian Moore the become the new PCW Heavyweight champion. After the match Hype Gotti came from the back and attacked Sonjay. Hype said tonight was supposed to be a title shot for him, until Sonjay came and screwed things up. He issued a challenge to Sonjay for the title and he accepted.
Sonjay Dutt vs. Hype Gotti for the PCW Heavyweight title
Sonjay got to work quickly by hitting Hype with a Death Valley Driver and a suplex. Hype then connected with his Yakuza kick, but only got a 2 count. After regaining the advantage, Sonjay went up top and attempted to connect with his Hindu Press, but missed. Hype then rolled Sonjay up and with the help of a handful of tights, pinned Sonjay to become the new PCW Heavyweight champion. Sonjay got on the mike after the match and said he was screwed because of Hype Gotti and promised he will return to PCW to get his revenge.
What started as a potential disaster concluded in a night that will go down in PCW history. Sonjay Dutt came to PCW and won the heavyweight title only to have the title taken away from him by Hype Gotti. Simply The Best now holds both singles titles in PCW. Could they be looking to hold all the gold in PCW? Sonjay has promised that he will get revenge on Hype for his actions and that we will see him again soon in PCW. Make sure you make it to the PCW Temple of Pain(Masonic Temple), 9th & Nebraska St., Sioux City, IA, 7:00 pm bell time, on the 26th of February for the next show. BE THERE!
PCWInformerAlso, during the power outage period, I talked to a former co-worker about work and other stuff. They haven't worked there for about 6 months and were told by others before me that it wasn't worth it to go back.
Sunday, played Madden 2005 due to no more football for a while. :(
Today, I went to work was the only person in other than the manager, found out that another worker has been fired for no showing. And that the one who was fired earlier in the week, not the latest, was in jail for drug arrest. Personally, some people just have to learn the hard way the government is anal about throwing people into jail over drugs. And even though I wasn't impressed with this co-worker, I am going to feel sorry for them because of their skin color they are going to get screwed over. I try to stay as predijuce free as possible, but the law around here is another story.
Feb 12th...Sioux City, IA...PCW....
Feb 12th (tonight)
Sioux City, IA
PCWc presents live wrestling....
Sonjay Dutt will be taking on Christian Moore for the PCW Heavyweight title. I am going to be going because:
Sonjay Dutt > work
X Posted....
This is something that I will be working on in my free time. I can see 2 ways it can go right now. One way is making a Butterfly design with it, and the other would be making a scoprion design. And yes you can mention to me about it not exactly being anywhere near symmetrical or mirrored, but that is how I am, not exactly clean cut and how society wants you to be.
Until next time.
F*ck it....
I will start a little earlier than usual for my update....
Thursday - Wake up at 6 AM for no reason what so ever. And I feel sick, lost count how many times I felt like puking, but didn't. Because I got the Nirvana box set the day before I watched the DVD and listened to the CD's on it. Which is the reason for me making the past last post. I want that Seasons in the sun cover :( So I have the flu yippie...Oh yeah...found out my sister came home for the weekend!
Friday - Feeling a little better than I was Thursday, and Found out that my sister had a class on Friday....and decided to skip it. She went to work at noon. I also went to work and was bar runner which meant I didn't do too much and was glad. Didn't have to mess with food so for the most part didn't have to worry about spreading the sickness I had. Well most likely still have :-\
Saturday - For the most part got up at about 11 Took a shower got ready for work knowing we had the American Heart Association Gala. They had some vehicles on display: 2002 Hummer (Me doesn't understand the hype about SUV's.) 1929 Mercedes Replica (was very nice for a replica.) a 1969 Mustang convertible (was also nice and had the top down on it.) A 1969 Chevrolet Chevelle Convertible (had a black top because it didn't have the top down. Also was the one I looked at the most.) 1969 Shelby Mustang GT (Elanor[spelling?], you will know why I say that if you watched Gone in Sixty Seconds.) And a Harley Davidson 70's electraglide which the person probably had repainted because there were no Harley symbols on it but you could tell just by looking at the motor and carb as to what kind it was. All painted red, and all looked nice. Also, the Assistant Manager had a headache and wasn't feeling good so they left. Whatever...But the funny moment of the night was finding out that one of the restaurant server broke the hot water handle off of a sink. hilarity because the maintence worker was running all over the place looking for the water pipe to shut off. Unfortunately they didn't find the pipe, but fortunately they found something to keep the metal braided line pinched so that the water would quit flowing. As of Monday, it still wasn't working.
Sunday - Slept in and watch Super Bowl pregame. Then watched the Super Bowl itself. Hopefully McNabb and the Eagles will learn from this because neither teams offense did much to impress me other than Deion Branch playing his ass off on Patriots O. The Defense carried both teams, but Eagles came up short. And Harrison did some good stuff. And Kudos to TO for playing with a bad ankle. Now he just needs to rest his foot for the rest of the break which he probably won't. Oh well their loss. :)
Monday - I was the only porter in at work with the Assistant Manager. They didn't know how to set the Tyson Meat Ed bar, and I did. They got real lucky on doing the schedule. Also, the Manager is going to be going to back to Minneapolis. So Yeah! But I am afraid of who will get the spot after them, and what will commence after that. After work went to a former co-workers house and hung out for a while. They discussed pranks and mentioned Barney, and well out of all that were in the area I was the closest characteristically to Barney. So I am now afraid.
Today(Tuesday) - I didn't do much, but I did go to the my advisor in school. I am not taking classes this semester and talked to my advisor about what I need to or not to do to graduate. So he prints off an unofficial transcript, and some information from Datatel, a program that the Faculty use that has what is needed to be taken by the students to graduate. Well, there are a couple of questionable classes that I didn't take, but he is looking to see if I have taken anything to take their place. I am thinking if anything, I might end up having to take a Business Writing class, but otherwise I think I am fine. But I am going in on Friday to find out if I have everything needed or not. And if he thinks I do from finding out when he asks around, I will go and register for graduation! w00t!
Until next time, not saying goodbye....just saying...
Tuesday -
I wish I could find this
Nirvana - 01-22-93 Rio Studio Session
I got the box set "With the Lights Out" that has 3 CD's and a DVD. On the DVD the last song is a cover of "Seasons in the Sun". And it is from these recordings and what I listed above is the band, and title of a bootleg copy of their sessions that day.
Slackerfest 2005
Have I been slacking on making any updates to this? Definitely, is there a reason? Definitely!
The words same ol' shit easily describe it, but hopefully my joke earlier tonight to the Food and Beverage Director didn't tick him off. He was looking around for the assistant manager, who left with a "headache", and was trying to get a credit card number.
For what I remember tonight, the assistant manager went upstairs and got a bottle of Coppola(spelling?) wine. And for the most part I think it was paid for by the bottle, but they had to get a credit card number to charge it to. Well, for whatit sounds like, they left and "forgot" about giving the number to the food and beverage director. Thus causing an angry manager to call a lower manager to get a credit card number so that they can turn in the money and saled totals to night audit to put into the system.
Confused yet?
And saying "I love my job" repeatedly over and over to myself isn't cutting my hatred for the place. And a weekend update will come either Monday, Tuesday, or I might not even do one.