Sunday, February 06, 2005

Slackerfest 2005

Have I been slacking on making any updates to this? Definitely, is there a reason? Definitely!

The words same ol' shit easily describe it, but hopefully my joke earlier tonight to the Food and Beverage Director didn't tick him off. He was looking around for the assistant manager, who left with a "headache", and was trying to get a credit card number.

For what I remember tonight, the assistant manager went upstairs and got a bottle of Coppola(spelling?) wine. And for the most part I think it was paid for by the bottle, but they had to get a credit card number to charge it to. Well, for whatit sounds like, they left and "forgot" about giving the number to the food and beverage director. Thus causing an angry manager to call a lower manager to get a credit card number so that they can turn in the money and saled totals to night audit to put into the system.

Confused yet?

And saying "I love my job" repeatedly over and over to myself isn't cutting my hatred for the place. And a weekend update will come either Monday, Tuesday, or I might not even do one.


At 4:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what happened to the real pcw wesite this sux


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