not much
I haven't been doing much.worked on Saturday until about 9:30 or 9:45 at night.
Sunday watched football and made up a little joke of sorts about Randy Moss being Afro Man when I first noticed the fro hanging out of his helmet.
monday worked til about 9ish and then came home to watch some of RAW.
Tuesday I went to school to see if I could find out about any classes that were available.
today not much more than I have any other day so far....
Now what is being posted below is based off of a joke-esque song I man during the Vikings Green Bay game. Also, before I go on, the leagues fine to Randy Moss to me is complete bullshit.
(Out of a smoke fill rooms comes.....AFRO MOSS with some music playing)

I walked off of the field 2 seconds before the last regular season game....because I got high
The next week I forget to put my hair in cornrows....because I got high
I missed a wide open pass.....because I got high.
*cough cough*
I caused a penalty...because I got high
because I got high because I got high because I got hhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggggggggghhhhhhh.
*cough cough*
Daunte culpepper over threw Burleson....because we got high.
Javon Walker screwed up a play....because he was with us getting high
Brett Farve threw the ball to Vikings Corners...because he got high with us
because we got high because we got high because we got hhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiigggggggghhhhhh
I caught a touchdown.....while I was high
Jovan Walker got injured...while he was high.
*cough cough*
I sprained my ankle......becuase I got hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh.....
because we got high, because we got high, because we got hhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiggggggggghhhhhhhh
(takes a break because he is out of breath)
Another guy performed the same penalty I did .....while I was high
I thought it was caause by me because I got high, becuase I got high, because I got hhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggggggggggghhhhhhhhhh
Afros Moss: Hey Ref I am sorry about that penalty
Ref: You didn't do anything wrong
Afro Moss: oh...
*cough cough*
Ref: Randy are you high again
Afro Moss: Uh....maybe
I, Afro Moss, am cutting to the end because....I got high
BecauseI got high Because I got higggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
*cough cough*
Oh yeah, please don't forget to fear the 'fro

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