Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Well, for those who maybe new to my blog...

I will finally explain the reason I have it titled this way. Anymore my main belief in life is that there is no such thing as "normal." There is a reason for this, and let tell show you why.

nor·mal(P)Pronunciation Key (nôrml)
Conforming with, adhering to, or constituting a norm, standard, pattern, level, or type; typical: normal room temperature; one's normal weight; normal diplomatic relations.

Now my question is when has there been a norm, a standard, a pattern, level or type?

Norm is denoted of any and all credit because it is a part of the word normal. Standard sound too much like someone is going to come around and cut a couple of inches off of the tall person. And add those inches to the shorter person so that everyone is the same height. And to a degree do the same when it come to weight. A pattern means that it has to be the same or keep evolving that way so I will refer you to my definition of standard. Level? Ummmm So life is a game and you are fighting the boss to make it to the next level? Please blow my brains out now. And Type? TYPE! That enough should explain that.

Now if you look at society today, everyone around is different. No one listens to the same music, wheres the same clothes, has the same face, hair color, style or skin color or type. Hey look there's type again! Which comes to why I believe there is no such thing as normal, because society can't even agree on one little thing!

I can see it now, wait society doesn't agree on money? Nope, there are people who could careless about money. If you look in third world countries, sure they don't have much money, but they get a long fine with being in the open and living in humble conditions. They are the truly the strongest people in the world today.


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