Sunday, May 30, 2004

Well, work sucked, but nothing like the weather lately. Well, not completely, but the weather has been annoying.

Last weekend, storms and for the most part overcast. In fact Bradbury for the most part was wiped out by a Tornado. Monday started out being a overcasted day until about 5 or 6. I think there was some sprinkles during the day but not much. Tuesday was overcast into sunny weather again. Infact, most of the week was like this until Thursday. Thursday was a Sunny warm day and Friday was built of off it, but also being muggy as it was something was bound to happen. The tornado sirens went off. I watched out of the garage for a while as hail that was too wamr just turned to slush on vehicles. But before the Tornado sirens went off I mentioned to my dad about the cloud over head. It was layered, and you could see that something was about ready to happen as the clouds were churning and spinning, but not yet making any funnel clouds. Then the sirens went off and had rain and the not so solid hail. After that, it stop raining and we were going to the other side of the house to watch the cloud.

Well, we were lucky not to be hit, but about 10 to 14 miles east/southeast of us, the Tornado finally formed. You could hear the sirens go off and you could see that there was major lightening action going on. Then Saturday came and we were under a Tornado watch, and to add to the fun, I was scheduled at Noon. Well, I arrived and it was sunny and you could feel the humidity, and the warning of a Tornado watch for the whole area. Then I never really watched the weather until it was storming outside. What happened next was I saw a nice showing of lightening outside. Then I turn around in the room and all the lights were on, and a minute passes, and then all the lights go off. They said off for about a minute and then came back on. I checked with the night lobby worker and all the lights went off. Which meant that the whole building lost power. So that was fun.

Sunday came and it reached 65 I think, but was cloudy and overcast, and next Saturday is already expected to have rain. Oh Joy!

And work, well Let's start out Saturday morning me waking up at 10 AM and feeling like I wanted to puke. Well, I didn't call in and I decided to battle it out. But with idiot managers, that is easier said and thought out rather than done. ONe of the managers said fill out more than we needed for hosted wine. And then to add more fun it this story, later on we didn't have anymore carafe's for wine. So the manager grabbed a pitcher of House white wine. Now this wine is already repulsive in its own right being cheap wine out of a bladder in a BOX! Well, the manager decided that since the bartenders needed this wine, they would take it out in a pitcher, but not any kind of pitcher, but a plastic water pitcher. Umm Captain Obvious would say no, but this person makes bricks look like the least dense object on earth. I grabbed a dirty Carafe cleaned it out, and then filled it with the requested wine and took that out. But the worst thing about the whole incident is that the Assistant Catering director was with the manager when they were planning on doing this!

Now about a couple months ago, the Director of Catering was going against the bartenders for serving "Slippery Nipples" (Bailey's irish creme and butterscotch schnapps), and "Liquid Cocaine" (many different ways to make this one of them is 2 parts SoCo, and 1 part Amaretto with the rest being orange juice.) Well, I would put money if the Director of Catering seen this they would have probably had a fit because we are the best hotel in the area(they think it is 5 stars, but the workers know it is a 3 star hotel with a 5 star restaurant.) Plus the weding party were for the most part filled with spoiled brats. When they paid for 6 hours for a DJ, yet when last called was made a little early because we were going off the DJ's schedule. They argued for an extra half hour, and then left right after. This means the DJ wasn't getting compensated for the extra hour, and they were late going home to thier 6 week old kid. I would like to say a personal FUCK YOU to the wedding party.

And that is today's last call.


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