Tuesday, April 12, 2005

I am tired...and you name is?

Well, I would want to go a weekend report, but for the most part I would be cussing out one guy from a party on Friday that I had to bartend, and a kid from a college party that I had to bartend.

Work last night was interesting to say the least, about a half hour before we left we had the Food and Beverage director saying our department did a lot to prepare for the inspections tomorrow. We didn't know about this until he said this, and it was late. So we did some stuff, and the one in charge left the manager a note. Great communication, about as good as finding out 2 hours before a bar on Friday that they decided to use glassware for all parties under 100 people.

Also, last night I got about 5 or 6 calls from a former co-worker. Well, I finally answered and told him I was at work and told him to quit bothering me, and if I were to get done before 10 I would get ahold of him. Well he called about hour and a half later said he was heading to a friend's house and to meet him there after work. Work ended and a co-worker who has no liscense right now got a ride to his house, but I mentioned what was going on. He changed and we went over to the house. From 10 PM to about 3:30 we stayed there, four people for the most part drank 2 cases of beer. I had a Jack and coke, and a couple shots of Jack. Only difference is that they were drinking the whole time, I didn't and was more sober.

I will say this, I get lucky a lot of time, but anyone else who reads this make sure you have someone as the designated driver. That way you don't have to worry about fines and possibly losing your liscense. Or better yet getting enough DUI's that you become a felon.


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