Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Another weekend

Well another weekend has past by, and it is amazing when you are at work at times you need to find a way to have some kind of fun. And Friday brought a good opportunity just for that. We mainly just had to do setup, and I came in at my usual scheduled time. One of the co-workers wasn't feeling too good at all. In fact, over medicated on Motron IB is what they said. Well, they are currently fighting a wisdom tooth. But the big thing is that he wasn't moving at his usual speed, and it was compensated for.

The fun begins later on though. It was about 9 PM and we went into a different rooom than the one we were trying to finish up. The group had all the conference and ball rooms on Saturday morning, but on Friday night they had a mascot suit of a lion laying in a room. The suit was a perfect fit over the co-worker's uniform and he went a head of me. He went into the back area where a co-worker just stared at him with the most confused look I ever seen. He finally realized who it was and we went to find the manager. They were in the room we were trying to finish up, and the co-worker went in looking around and couldn't see the manager. We then pointed out where the manager was and he went back in act like he got caught and then left back to the other room. Fun stuff....especially when I usually am putting someone up to it. :)

Saturday, the Child care group had their meeting, turned it over for a wedding that night. I worked 13 hours and paid for it on Sunday. Sore as hell! But watched football, and didn't do too much more than that.

Monday, went to school for class. Then come home to fall asleep for 2 hours. Don't do too much til going into work. And two of the co-workers were arguing at one point, so I found a can of Brasso and tried cleaning a door, but need a scotch pad. But the fumes are still horrendous. Brasso = go way to ignore co-worker while strung out on the odor. Then come home to watch the football game, Damn Baltimore choking in the final minutes! And for some reason couldn't get to sleep last night until well after 3 AM probably around 4 and yet wake up at 7 to go to school....I need to quit drinking so much pop.


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