Friday, August 20, 2004

Wow...43rd post of much nonsense

I am surprised really that I have done this much on this.

The biggest thing to mention today is this...

1) Sister went back to college, and I was home on my own for while with the dog.
2)I let the dog out before I left for work. Brother let him in.
3) Brother left for Lincoln sometime after I left.
4) Dog took a shit on the floor, walked through it and laid it in.
5) Come home to find out about the last part by parents who are cleaning
6) Dog was outside longer than he wanted to be because of the fact that house was getting cleaned
7) Dog finally came in and took a bath(something the mutt hates as much as going to the vet)
8) Dog got dried of, and whining.
9) Dog got collar put back on
10) Dog was still whining and got forced out after a lot of work on my part.
11) Dog came in, and is laying in my bedroom doorway.

I guess the dog doesn't feel like doing the usual sleeping in the parent's room. Oh well....

Also, last night or the night before, I put a chat link onto a phpbb board, after looking for the page to edit for about half an hour. Now, I just need to fix the front page of the GN site DOH!


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