Sunday, September 05, 2004

Remember to look where you are going....

This weekend was pretty good. A former bartender at work was DJing a wedding, and me and another bartender picked on them. I gave him his drink (Vodka sour) but I added a olive. We both laughed when he realized this, and later on he wanted another one, only without an olive. And the party had peanuts at the bar. Well, I decided to be an even bigger smart ass and added peanuts to his drink. When I went back to the bar the other bartender was getting empty glasses and bottles, and went by the DJ booth, and the former worker had the WTF look on his face. We both laughed like no other.

But when their keg ran out, and we knew they couldn't finish a second one and talked the newly married out of hooking up the second one. The only problem was that their friends wanted to get "strong" drinks and wanted more than we are supposed to give them. Well, After the liquor of their choice ran out at the bar, we told them to go upstairs because it could be cheaper, and it would get them out of our hair. After they left, everythign went smoothly.

The big thing is that today, I forgot to do something Saturday night, and went in. I found out that it was taken care of and I left. The only problem is that it was just pouring down rain, and I ran not looking up. I got on the grass before the parking lot, but still wasn't paying too much attention to the trees, just getting to my car. I look up just in time to see the tree branch I was going to run into. it also knocked off my hat, which took the brunt of the blow, but doesn't show it. But around my eye does. cuts on my eye lid, and down the bridge of my nose.

I never went to the doctor, but I will look funny with one eye squinted, and puffy and the other normal. But I know I will be fine in a couple of weeks.

And I heard great things of the Resident Evil: Apocolyse sound track, and will probably buy it next week.

So until next time I feel like updating this. adios


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